Analysis of the Communication Model of Atta Halilintar on YouTube

Supadiyanto, 0514088102 and Pelagia Adinda We e Pande, 2018/IKOM/5307 and Vespian Varianta, 2018/IKOM/5321 and Tri Budiarti, 2018/IKOM/5320 (2019) Analysis of the Communication Model of Atta Halilintar on YouTube. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 423. pp. 459-473.


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Atta Halilintar successfully became a YouTuber with the highest subscribes in Indonesia. Total subscribers reached 19.4 million people and 1,743,742,459 viewers. On average there are 1.77 million views per day. Atta Halilintar has uploaded 617 videos. YouTuber is a profession that is loved by millennial youth. The profession is dynamic, not bound by space and time, and other advantages. Atta Halilintar makes characters and artists as guest stars or main topics in some of the videos uploaded by Atta Halilintar. Atta Halilintar made President Joko Widodo the main topic in the content uploaded on YouTube. How is Atta Halilintar's communication model through a video titled: "Grebek Istana RI President Jokowi! Atta Appointed as a Child?"? The research paradigm is qualitative. Data collection techniques through: library research, analyzing or reviewing videos. Analyze the data by looking at and reviewing Youtube videos of Atta Halilintar ( The video was chosen because of its exclusive content and coverage. As a result, Atta Halilintar uses slang, is popular, and often using iconic language. Support eccentric costumes with colored hair. Atta Halilintar's communication model breaks the conventional communication tradition and the content model that YouTube fans love. Atta Halilintar can utilize Joko Widodo's popularity as the President of Indonesia and the sacredness of the Presidential Palace and the momentum of the 2019 Elections to attract the attention and sympathy of YouTube viewers. However, a number of corrections must be made so that the quality is better. Keywords: communication, YouTube, slang, iconic, Atta Halilintar

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Youtube
Divisions: S1 Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: Mrs Lu'lu' Atuzzahroh
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2020 05:45
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2020 06:18

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